Thanks to our wonderful neighbors at community first village, and the amazing volunteers from The Beck Architecture Group, and of course Woodland Hills’ very own Sam Ingham and Andy Bucknall - we now have a trail from Elk Crossing clear through to our garden site!!
Words cannot even begin to express my personal gratitude for everyone’s hard work today. So proud to be a part of it, and spend the morning with some amazing and inspiring people. You all rock and I am so, so humbled right now.
We still have a lot of work to do- but the sheer scale of what we were able to get done today is far beyond what I had anticipated. Totally blown away! Seriously cannot overstate the level of appreciation for every single person out there with us today. ❤️
Now that we have a trail through to access the site, it will be so much easier to get back there and start working on making this an awesome space for our community.